by William Bradford


Book Two / pp. 389 - 430

Anno.Dom: 1635.

     MR. WINSLOW was very wellcome to them in Eng-

land, and ye more in regard of ye large returne he

brought with him, which came all safe to their hands,

390                                HISTORY OF                        [BOOK II.

and was well sould.  And he was borne in hand, (at

least he so apprehended,) that all accounts should be

cleared before his returne, and all former differences

ther aboute well setled.  And so he writ over to

them hear, that he hoped to cleare ye accounts, and

bring them over with him; and yt the accounte of

ye White Angele would be taken of, and all things

fairly ended.  But it came to pass [205] that, being

occasioned to answer some complaints made against

the countrie at Counsell bord, more cheefly concerning

their neigbours in ye Bay then them selves hear, the

which he did to good effecte, and further prosecuting

such things as might tend to ye good of ye whole, as

well them selves as others, aboute ye wrongs and in-

croachments that the French & other strangers both

had and were like further to doe unto them, if not

prevented, he prefered this petition following to their

Honrs that were deputed Comissioners for ye Planta-


To ye right honorable ye Lords Comissioners for ye Plan-

tations in America.

    The humble petition of Edw: Winslow, on ye behalfe of

ye plantations in New-England,

     Humbly sheweth unto your Lordships, yt wheras your peti-

tioners have planted them selves in New England under his

Matis most gratious protection; now so it is, right Honbl,

that ye French & Dutch doe indeaouer to devide ye land

betweene them; for which purpose ye French have, on ye

east side, entered and seased upon one of our houses, and

1635.]                  PLYMOUTH  PLANTATIQN.                391

carried away the goods, slew 2. of ye men in another place,

and tooke ye rest prisoners with their goods.  And ye Dutch,

on ye west, have also made entrie upon Conigtecute River,

within ye limits of his Majts lrs patent, where they have

raised a forte, and threaten to expell your petitioners thence,

who are also planted upon ye same river, maintaining posses-

sion for his Matie to their great charge, & hazard both of lives

& goods.

     In tender consideration hereof your petitioners humbly pray

that your Lopps will either procure their peace wth those foraine

states, or else to give spetiall walTante unto your petitioners

and ye English Collonies, to right and defend them selves

against all foraigne enimies. And your petitioners shall

pray, &c.

      This petition found good acceptation with most of

them, and Mr. Winslow was heard sundry times by

them, and appointed further to attend for an answer

from their Lopps, espetiaIly, having upon conferance

with them laid downe a way how this might be doone

without any either charge or trouble to ye state; only

by furnishing some of ye cheefe of ye cuntry hear

with authoritie, who would undertake it at their owne

charge, and in such a way as should be without any

publick disturbance.  But this crossed both Sr Ferdi-

nandos Gorges' & Cap: Masons designe, and ye arch-

bishop of Counterberies- by them; for Sr Ferd: Gorges

(by ye arch-pps favore) was to have been sent over

generall Govr into ye countrie, and to have had means

from ye state for yt end, and was now upon dispatch

and conclude of ye bussines.  And ye arch-bishops

392                                HISTORY OF                        [Book II.

purposs & intente was, by his means, & some he 

should send with him, (to be furnished with Episco-

pall power,) [206] to disturbe ye peace of ye churches

here, and to overthrow their proceedings and further

growth, which was ye thing he aimed at.  But it so

fell out (by Gods providence) that though he in ye

end crost this petition from taking any further effecte

in this kind, yet by this as a cheefe means the plotte

and whole bussines of his & Sr Ferdinandos fell to ye

ground, and came to nothing. When Mr. Winslow

should have had his suit granted, (as indeed upon ye

pointe it was,) and should have been confirmed, the

arch-bishop put a stop upon it, and Mr. Winslow,

thinking to gett it freed, went to ye bord againe; but

ye bishop, Sr Ferd: and Captine Masson, had, as it

seemes, procured Morton (of whom mention is made

before, & his base carriage) to complaine; to whose

complaints Mr. Winslow made answer to ye good sat-

isfaction of ye borde, who checked Morton and re-

buked him sharply, & allso blamed Sr Ferd Gorges,

& Masson, for countenancing him.  But ye bish: had

a further end & use of his presence, for he now be-

gane to question Mr. Winslow of many things; as

of teaching in ye church publickly, of which Morton

accused him, and gave evidence that he had seen and

heard him doe it; to which Mr. Winslow answered,

that some time (wanting a minster) he did exercise

his gifte to help ye edification of his breethren, when

1635.]                  PLYMOUTH  PLANTATION.                393

they wanted better means, wch was not often.  Then

aboute mariage, the which he also confessed, that,

haveing been called to place of magistracie, he had

sometimes maried some.  And further tould their

lordps yt mariage was a civille thinge, & he found no

wher in ye word of God yt it was tyed to ministrie.

Again, they were necessitated so to doe, having for

a long time togeather at first no minister; besids, it

I was no new-thing, for he had been so maried him

selfe in Holand, by ye magistrats in their Statt-house.

But in ye end (to be short), for these things, ye

bishop, by vemente importunity, gott ye bord at last

to consente to his comittemente; so he was comited

to ye Fleete, and lay ther 17. weeks, or ther aboute,

before he could gett to be released.  And this was ye

end of this petition, and this bussines; only ye others

designe was also frustrated hereby, with other things

concurring, which was no smalle blessing to ye people


     But ye charge fell heavie on them hear, not only in

Mr. Winslows expences, (which could not be smale,)

but by ye hinderance of their bussines both ther and

hear, by his personall imploymente.  For though this

was as much or more for others then for them hear,

and by them cheefly he was put on this bussines,

(for ye plantation kewe nothing of it till they heard

of his imprisonmente,) yet ye whole charge lay on


394                                HISTORY OF                        [Book II.

Now for their owne bussines; whatsoever Mr. Sher-

leys mind was before, (or Mr. Winslow apprehension

of ye same,) he now declared him selfe plainly, that

he would neither take of ye White-Angell from ye

accounte, nor [207] give any further accounte, till he

had received more into his hands; only a prety good

supply of goods were sent over, but of ye most, no

note of their prises, or so orderly an invoyce as for-

merly; which Mr. Winslow said he could not help,

because of his restrainte.  Only now Mr. Sherley &

Mr. Beachamp & Mr. Andrews sent over a letter of

atturney under their hands & seals, to recovere what

they could of Mr. Allerton for ye Angells accounte;

but sent them neither ye bonds, nor covenants, or such

other evidence or accounts, as they had aboute these

matters.  I shall here inserte a few passages out of

Mr. Sherleys letters aboute these things.

     Your leter of ye 22. of July, 1634, by your trustie and our

loving friend Mr. Winslow, I have received, and your larg

parcell of beaver and otter skines.  Blessed be our God,

both he and it came safly to us, and we have sould it in

tow parcells; ye skin at 14s. li. & some at 16.; ye coate at

20s. ye pound.  The accounts I have not sent you them this

year, I will referr you to Mr. Winslow to tell you ye reason

of it; yet be assured yt none of you shall suffer by ye not

having of them, if God spare me life.  And wheras you say

ye 6. years are expired yt ye peopl put ye trad into your &

our hands for, for ye discharge of yt great debte wch Mr.

Allerton needlesly & unadvisedly ran you & us into; yet it

was promised it should continue till our disbursments & in-

1635.]                  PLYMOUTH  PLANTATION.                395

gagements were satisfied.  You conceive it is done; we feele

& know other wise, &c.  I doubt not but we shall lovingly

agree, notwithstanding all yt hath been writen, on boath sids,

aboute ye Whit-Angell.  We have now sent you a letter of

atturney, therby giving you power in our names (and to

shadow it ye more we say for our uses) to obtaine what may

be of Mr. Allerton towards ye satisfing of that great charge

of ye White Angell.  And sure he hath bound him selfe,

(though at present I cannot find it,) but he hath often

affirmed, with great protestations, yt neither you nor we

should lose a peny by him, and I hope you shall find enough

to discharg it, so as we shall have no more contesting

aboute it.  Yet, notwithstanding his unnaturall & unkind

dealing with you, in ye midest of justice remember mercie,

and doe not all you may doe, &c.  Set us out of debte, and

then let us recone & reason togeither, &c.  Mr. Winslow

hath undergone an unkind imprisonment, but I am perswaded

it will turne much to all your good.  I leave him to relate per-

ticuleres, &c.

Your loving freind,


London, Sep: 7. 1635.

     This year they sustained an other great loss from ye

French. Monsier de Aulnay coming into ye harbore of

Penobscote, and having before gott some of ye cheefe

yt belonged to ye house abord his vessell, by sutlty

coming upon them in their shalop, he gott them to

pilote him in; and after getting ye rest into his power

he tooke possession of ye house in ye name of ye king

of France; and partly by threatening, & other wise,

made Mr. Willett (their agente ther) to approve of

396                                HISTORY OF                        [BOOK II.

ye sale of ye goods their unto him, of which he sett

ye price him selfe [208] in effecte, and made an in-

ventory therof, (yett leaving out sundry things,) but

made no paymente for them; but tould them in con-

venient time he would doe it if they came for it.  For

ye house & fortification, &c. he would not alow, nor

accounte any thing, saing that they which build on

another mans ground doe forfite ye same.  So thus

turning them out of all, (with a great deale of com-

plemente, and many fine words,) he let them have

their shalop and some victualls to bring them home.

Coming home and relating all the passages, they here

were much troubled at it, & haveing had this house

robbed by ye French once before, and lost then above

500li. (as is before remembred), and now to loose

house & all, did much move them.  So as they re-

solved to consulte with their freinds in ye Bay, and

if yey approved of it, (ther being now many ships

ther,) they intended to hire a ship of force, and seeke

to beat out ye Frenche, and recover it againe.  Ther

course was well approved on, if them selves could bear

ye charge; so they hired a fair ship of above 300.

tune, well fitted with ordnance, and agreed with ye

mr. (one Girling) to this effect: that he and his com-

pany should deliver them ye house, (after they had

driven out, or surprised ye French,) and give them

peacable possession therof, and of all such trading

comodities as should ther be found; and give ye

1635.]          PLYMOUTH  PLANTATION.                 397

French fair quarter & usage, if they would yeeld. In

consideration wherof he was to have 700li. of beaver,

to be delivered him ther, when he had done ye thing;

but if he did not accomplish it, be was to loose his

labour, and have nothing.  With him they also sent

their owne bark, and about 20. men, with Captaine

Standish, to aide him (if neede weer), and to order

things, if the house was regained; and then to pay

him ye beaver, which they keept abord their owne

barke.  So they with their bark piloted him thither,

and brought him safe into ye harbor.  But he was so

rash &, heady as he would take no advice, nor would

surer Captaine Standish to have time to summone

them, (who had comission & order so to doe,) neither

would doe it him selfe; the which, it was like, if it had

been done, & they come to affaire parley, seeing their

force, they would have yeelded.  Neither would he

have patience to bring his ship wher she might doe

execution, but begane to shoot, at distance like a

madd man, and did them no hurte at all; the which

when those of ye plantation saw, they were much

greeved, and went to him & tould him he would doe

no good if he did not lay his ship beter to pass (for

she might lye within piston shott of ye house).  At

last, when he saw his owne folly, be was perswaded,

and layed her well, and  bestowed a few shott to good

purposs.  But now, when he was in a way to doe

some good, his powder was goone; for though he had

398                                HISTORY OF                        [BOOK II.

.  . * peece of ordnance, it did now [209] appeare he

had but a barrell of powder, and a peece; so he could

doe no good, but was faine to draw of againe; by

which means ye enterprise was made frustrate, and ye

French incouraged; for all ye while that he shot so

unadvisedly, they lay close under a worke of earth, &

let him consume him selfe.  He advised with ye Cap-

taine how he might be supplyed with powder, for

he had not to carie him home; 80 he tould him he

would goe to ye next plantation, and doe his indeour

to procure him some, and so did; but understand-

ing, by intelligence, that he intended to ceiase on ye

barke, & surprise ye beaver, he sent him the powder,

and brought ye barke & beaver home.  But Girling

never assualted ye place more, (seeing him selfe dis-

apoyented,) but went his way; and this was ye end

of this bussines.

     Upon ye ill success of this bussines, the Govr and

Assistants here by their leters certified their freinds in

ye Bay, how by this ship they had been abused and

disapoynted, and yt the French partly had, and were

now likly to fortifie them selves more strongly, and

likly to become ill neigbours to ye English.  Upon

this they thus writ to them as folloeth: --

    Worthy Srs:  Upon ye reading of your leters, & consid-

eration of ye waightines of ye cause therin mentioned, the

* Blank in the original.

1635.]                  PLYMOUTH  PLANTATION.                399

courte hath joyntly expressed their willingnes to assist you

with men & munition, for ye accomplishing of your desires

upon ye French.  But because here are none of yours yt have

authority to conclude of any thing herein, nothing can be

done by us for ye presente.  We desire, therfore, that you

would with all conveniente speed send some man of trust,

furnished with instructions from your selves, to make such

agreemente with us about this bussines as may be usefull

for you, and equall for us.  So in hast we comite you to

God; and remaine

Your assured loving freinds,












     New-towne, Octor 9.  1635.

     Upon the receite of ye above mentioned, they pres-

ently deputed 2. of theirs to treate with them, giving

them full power to conclude, according to the instruc-

tions they gave them, being to this purposs:  that if

they would afford such assistance as, togeather with

their owne, was like to effecte the thing, and allso

bear a considerable parte of ye charge, they would goe

on; if not, [210] they (having lost so much allready)

400                                HISTORY OF                        [BOOK II.

should not be able, but must desiste, and waite fur-

ther opportunitie as God should give, to help them

selves.  But this came to nothing, for when it came

to ye issue, they would be at no charge, but sente

them this letter, and referd them more at large to

their owne messengers.

     Sr: Having, upon ye consideration of your letter, with ye

message you sente, had some serious consultations aboute

ye great importance of your bussines with ye French, we

gave our answer to those whom you deputed to conferr wth

us aboute ye viage to Penobscote.  We shewed our willing-

nes to help, but withall we declared our presente condition,

& in what state we were, for our abilitie to help; which we

for our parts shall be willing to improve, to procure you

sufficiente supply of men & munition.  But for matter of

moneys we have no authority at all to promise, and if we

should, we should rather disapoynte you, then incourage you

by yt help, which we are not able to performe.  We likewise

thought it fitt to take ye help of other Esterne plantations;

but those things we leave to your owne wisdomes.  And for

other things we refer you to your owne comitties, who are

able to relate all ye passages more at large.  We salute

you, & wish you all good success in ye Lord.

Your faithfull & loving friend,


In ye name of ye Fest of the Comities.

    Boston, Octobr 16. 1635.

     This thing did not only thus breake of, but some

of their merchants shortly after sent to trad with

them, and furnished them both with provissions, &

1635.]                  PLYMOUTH  PLANTATION.                401

poweder & shott; and so have continued to doe till

this day, as they have seen opportunitie for their

profite.  So as in truth ye English them selves have

been  the cheefest supporters of these French; for

besids these, the plantation at Pemaquid (which lyes

near unto them) doth not only supply them with

what yey wante, but gives them continuall intelligence

of all things that passes among, ye English, (espetially

some of them,) so as it is no marvell though they

still grow, & incroach more & more upon ye English,

and fill ye Indeans with gunes & munishtion, to ye

great deanger of ye English, who lye open & unfor-

tified, living, upon husbandrie; and ye other closed up

in their forts, well fortified, and live upon trade, in

good securitie.  If these things be not looked too, and

remeady provided in time, it may easily be conjectured

what they may come toe; but I leave them.

     This year, ye 14. or 15. of August (being, Saturday)

was such a mighty storme of wind & raine, as none

living in these parts, either English or Indeans, ever

saw.  Being like (for ye time it continued) to those

Hauricanes and Tuffons that writers make mention of

in ye Indeas.  It began in ye morning, a litle before

day, and grue not by degrees, but came with violence

in ye begining, to ye great amasnaente of many.  It

blew downe sundry [211] houses, & uncovered others;

diverce vessells were lost at sea, and many more in ex-

treme danger.  It caused ye sea to swell (to ye south-

402                                HISTORY OF                        [BOOK II.

ward of this place) above 20. foote, right up & downe,

and made many of the Indeans to clime into trees for

their saftie; it tooke of ye borded roofe of a house

which belonged to the plantation at Manamet, and

floted it to another place, the posts still standing in

ye ground; and if it had continued long without ye

shifting of ye wind, it is like it would have drouned

some parte of ye cuntrie.  It blew downe many hun-

dered thowsands of trees, turning up the stronger by

the roots, and breaking the hiegher pine trees of in

the midle, and ye tall yonge oaks & walnut trees of

good biggnes were wound like a withe, very strang

& fearfull to behould.  It begane in ye southeast, and

parted toward ye south & east, and vered sundry ways;

but ye greatest force of it here was from ye former

quarters.  It continued not (in ye extremitie) above

5. or 6. houers, but ye violence begane to abate.  The

signes and marks of it will remaine this 100. years in

these parts wher it was sorest.  The moone suffered

a great eclips the 2. night after it.

     Some of their neighbours in ye Bay, hereing of ye

fame of Conightecute River, had a hankering mind

after it, (as was before noted,) and now understanding

that ye Indeans were swepte away with ye late great

mortalitie, the fear of whom was an obstacle unto

them before, which being now taken away, they be-

gane now to prosecute it with great egernes. The

greatest differances fell betweene those of Dorchester

1635.]                  PLYMOUTH  PLANTATION.                403

plantation and them hear; for they set their minde

on that place, which they had not only purchased of

ye Indeans, but wher they had builte; intending only

(if they could not remove them) that they should have

but a smale moyety left to ye house, as to a single

family; whose doings and proceedings were conceived

to be very injurious, to attempte not only to intrude

them selves into ye rights & possessions of others, but

in effect to thrust them out of all.  Many were ye

leters & passages that went betweene them hear aboute,

which would be to long here to relate.

      I shall here first inserte a few lines that was write

by their own agente from thence.

      Sr: &c.  Ye Masschuset men are coming almost dayly, some

by water, & some by land, who are not yet determined wher

to setle, though some have a great mind to ye place we are

upon, and which was last bought.  Many of them look at

that which this river will not afford, excepte it be at this

place which we have, namly, to be a great towne, and have

comodious dwellings for many togeather.  So as what they

will doe I cannot yet resolve you; for this place ther is none

of them say any thing to me, but what I hear from their

servants (by whom I perceive their minds).  I shall doe what

I can to withstand them.  I hope they will hear reason; as

that we were here first, and entred with much difficulty and

danger, [212] both in regard of ye Dutch & Indeans, and

bought ye land, (to your great charge, all ready disbursed,)

and have since held here a chargable possession, and kept

ye Dutch from further incroaching, which would els long be-

fore this day have possessed all, and kept out all others, &c.

404                                HISTORY OF                        [BOOK II.

I hope these & such like arguments will stoppe them.  It was

your will we should use their persons & messengers kindly,

& so we have done, and doe dayly, to your great charge;

for ye first company had well nie starved had it not been for

this house, for want of victuals; I being forced to supply

12. men for 9. days togeather; and those which came last,

I entertained the best we could, helping both them (& ye

other) with canows, & guids.  They gott me to goe with

them to ye Dutch, to see if I could procure some of them

to have quiet setling nere them; but they did peremtorily

withstand them.  But this later company did not once speak

therof, &c.  Also I gave their goods house roome according

to their ernest request, and Mr. Pinchons letter in their be-

halfe (which I thought good to send you, here inclosed).

And what trouble & charge I shall be further at I know

not; for they are coming dayly, and I expecte these back

againe from below, whither they are gone to veiw ye countrie.

All which trouble & charg we under goe for their occasion,

may give us just cause (in ye judgmente of all wise & un-

derstanding men) to hold and keep that we are setled upon.

Thus with my duty remembred, &c.  I rest

Yours to be comanded


Matianuck, July 6. 1635.

     Amongst ye many agitations that pased betweene

them, I shal note a few out of their last letters, & for

ye present omitte ye rest, except upon other occasion

I may have fitter opportunity.  After their thorrow

veiw of ye place, they began to pitch them selves upon

their land & near their house; which occasioned much

expostulation betweene them.  Some of which are such

as follow.

1635.]                  PLYMOUTH  PLANTATION.                405

Brethren, having latly sent 2. of our body unto you, to

agitate & bring to an issue some maters in difference be-

tweene us, about some lands at Conightecutt, unto which you

lay challeng; upon which God by his providence cast us,

and as we conceive in a faire way of providence tendered

it to us, as a meete place to receive our body, now upon


     We shall not need to answer all ye passages of your larg

letter, &c.  But wheras you say God in his providence cast

you, &c., we tould you before, and (upon this occasion)

must now tell you still, that our mind is other wise, and

yt you cast rather a partiall, if not a covetous eye, upon

that wch is your neigbours, and not yours; and in so doing,

your way could not be faire unto it.  Looke yt you abuse

not Gods providence in such allegations.


     Now allbeite we at first judged ye place so free yt we might

with Gods good leave take & use it, without just offence to

any man, it being the Lords [213] wast, and for ye presente

altogeather voyd of inhabitants, that indeede minded ye im-

ploymente therof, to ye right ends for which land was created,

Gen: 1. 28. and for future intentions of any, & uncertaine

possibilities of this or that to be done by any, we judging

them (in such a case as ours espetialy) not meete to be

equalled with presente actions (such as ours was) much less

worthy to be prefered before them; and therfore did we

make some weake beginings in that good worke, in ye place


Ans:  Their answer was to this effecte; That if it

was ye Lords wast, it was them selves that found it so,

& not they; and "have since bought it of ye right

406                                HISTORY OF                        [BOOK II.

oweners, and maintained a chargable possession upon

it al this while, as them selves could not but know.

And because of present ingagments and other hinder-

ances which lay at presente upon them, must it ther-

fore be lawfull for them to goe and take it from

them?  It was well known that they are upon a barren

place, wher they were by necessitie cast; and neither

they nor theirs could longe continue upon ye same;

and why should they (because they were more ready,

& more able at presente) goe and deprive them of

that which they had wth charg & hazard provided, &

intended to remove to, as soone as they could & were


     They had another passage in their letter; they had

rather have to doe with the lords in England, to

whom (as they heard it reported) some of them should

say that they had rather give up their right to them,

(if they must part with it,) then to ye church of

Dorchester, &c.  And that they should be less fearfull

to offend ye lords, then they were them.

     Ans:  Their answer was, that what soever they had

heard, (more then was true,) yet ye case was not so

with them that they had need to give away their rights

& adventurs, either to ye lords, or them; yet, if they

might measure their fear of offence by their practise,

they had rather (in that poynte) they should deal with

ye lords, who were beter able to bear it, or help them

selves, then they were.

1635.]                  PLYMOUTH  PLANTATION.                407

     But least I should be teadious, I will forbear other

things, and come to the conclusion that was made in

ye endd.  To make any forcible resistance was farr

from their thoughts, (they had enough of yt about

Kenebeck,) and to live in continuall contention with

their freinds & brethren would be uncomfortable, and

too heavie a burden to bear.  Therfore for peace sake

(though they conceived they suffered much in this

thing) they thought it better to let them have it upon

as good termes as they could gett; and so they fell to

treaty.  The first thing yt (because they had made so

many & long disputs aboute it) they would have them

to grante was, yt they had right too it, or ells they

would never treat aboute it.  The which being ac-

knowledged, & yeelded unto by them, this was ye con-

clusion they came unto in ye end after much adoe:

that they should retaine their house, and have the 16.

parte of all they had bought of ye Indeans; and ye

other should have all ye rest of ye land; leaveing such

a moyety to those [214] of New-towne, as they re-

served for them.  This 16. part was to be taken in too

places; one towards ye house, the other towards New-

townes proporrtion.  Also they were to pay according

to proportion, what had been disbursed to ye Indeans

for ye purchass.  Thus was ye controversie ended, but

the unkindnes not so soone forgotten.  They of New-

towne delt more fairly, desireing only what they could

* They in MS.

408                                HISTORY OF                        [BOOK II.

conveniently spare, from a competancie reserved for

a plantation, for them selves; which made them the

more carfull to procure a moyety for them, in this

agreement & distribution.

     Amongst ye other bussinesses that Mr. Winslow had

to doe in England, he had order from ye church to

provid & bring over some able & fitt man for to

be their minister.  And accordingly he had procured

a godly and a worthy * man, one Mr. Glover; but it

pleased God when he was prepared for the viage, he

fell sick of a feaver and dyed.  Afterwards, when he

was ready to come away, he became acquainted with

Mr. Norton, who was willing to come over, but would

not ingage him selfe to this place, otherwise then he

should see occasion when he came hear; and if he liked

better else wher, to repay ye charge laid out for him,

(which came to aboute 70li.) and to be at his liberty. 

He stayed aboute a year with them, after he came

over, and was well liked of them, & much desired by

them; but he was invited to Ipswich, wher were many

rich & able men, and sundry of his aquaintance; so he

wente to them, & is their minister.  Aboute half of

ye charg was repayed, ye rest he had for ye pains he

tooke amongst them.

   *  Before this word in the margin appears So capital N.

1636.]                  PLYMOUTH  PLANTATION.                409

Anno Dom:  1636.

    MR. ED: WINSLOW was chosen Govr this year.

    In ye former year, because they perceived by Mr.

Winslows later letters' that no accounts would be

sente, they resolved to keep ye beaver, and send no

more, till they had them, or came to some further

agreemente.  At least they would forbear till Mr.

Winslow came over, that by more full conferance with

him they might better understand what was meete to

be done.  But when he came, though he brought no

accounts, yet he perswaded them to send ye beaver,

& was confident upon ye receite of yt beaver, & his

letters, they should have accounts ye nexte year; and

though they thought his grounds but weake, that gave

him this hope, & made him so confidente, yet by his

importunitie they yeelded, & sente ye same, ther being

a ship at ye latter end of year, by whom they sente

1150li. waight of beaver, and 200. otter skins, besids

sundrie small furrs, as 55. minks, 2. black foxe skins,

&c.  And this year, in ye spring, came in a Dutch

man, who thought to have traded at ye Dutch-forte;

[215] but they would not suffer him.  He, having

good store of trading goods, came to this place, &

tendred them to sell; of whom they bought a good

quantitie, they being very good & fitte for their turne,

as Dutch roll, ketles, &c., which goods amounted to ye

valew of 500li., for ye paymente of which they passed

410                                HISTORY OF                        [BOOK II.

bills to Mr. Sherley in England, having before sente

ye forementioned parcell of beaver.  And now this

year (by another ship) sente an other good round

parcell that might come to his hands, & be sould be-

fore any of these bills should be due.  The quantity

of beaver now sent was 1809li.  waight, and of otters

10. skins, and shortly after (ye same year) was sent by

another ship (Mr. Langrume maister), in beaver 0719li

waight, and of otter skins 199. concerning which Mr.

Sherley thus writs.

      Your leters I have received, with 8. hoggsheads of beaver

by Ed: Wilkinson, mr. of ye Falcon.  Blessed be God for ye

safe coming of it.  I have also seen & acceped 3. bills of

exchainge, &c.  But I must now acquainte you how the Lords

heavie hand is upon this kingdom in many places, but cheefly

in this cittie, with his judgmente of ye plague.  The last

weeks bill was 1200. & odd, I fear this will be more; and

it is much feared it will be a winter sicknes.  By reason

wherof it is incredible ye number of people yt are gone into

ye cuntry & left ye citie.  I am perswaded many more then

went out ye last sicknes; so as here is no trading, carriors

from most places put downe; nor no receiving of any money,

though long due.  Mr. Hallows us more then would pay

these bills, but he, his wife, and all, are in ye cuntrie, 60.

miles from London.  I write to him, he came up, but could

not pay us.  I am perswaded if I should offer to sell ye

beaver at 88. pr pound, it would not yeeld money; but when

ye Lord shall please to cease his hand, I hope we shall have

better & quicker markets; so it shall lye by.  Before I ac-

cepted ye bills, I acquainted Mr. Beachamp & Mr. Andrews

with them, & how ther could be no money made nor

1636.]                  PLYMOUTH  PLANTATION.                411

received; and that it would be a great discredite to you,

which never yet had any turned back, and a shame to us,

haveing 1800li. of beaver lying by us, and more oweing

then ye bills come too, &c.  But all was nothing; neither

of them both will put too their finger to help.  I offered to

supply my 3. parte, but they gave me their answer they

neither would nor could, &c.  However, your bils shall

be satisfied to ye parties good contente; but I would not

have thought they ,would have left either you or me at this

time, &c.  You will and may expect I should write more,

& answer your leters, but I am not a day in ye weeke at

home at towne, but carry my books & all to Clapham; for

here is ye miserablest time yt I thinke hath been known in

many ages.  I have know 3. great sickneses, but none like

this.  And that which should be a means to pacifie ye Lord, ,

& help us, that is taken -away, preaching put downe in many

places, not a sermone in Westminster on ye saboth, nor in

many townes aboute us; ye Lord in mercie looke uppon

us.  In ye begining of ye year was a great [216] drought,

& no raine for many weeks togeather, so as all was burnte

up, haye, at 5li. a load; and now all raine, so as much

sommer corne & later haye is spoyled.  Thus ye Lord

sends judgmente after judgmente, and yet we cannot see,

nor humble our selves; and therfore may justly fear heavier

judgments, unless we speedyly repente, & returne unto him,

which ye Lord give us grace to doe, if it be his blessed

will.  Thus desiring you to remember us in your prayers,

I ever rest                      Your loving friend,


Sept: 14. 1636.

     This was all ye answer they had from Mr. Sherley,

by which Mr. Winslow saw his hops failed him.  So

they now resoloved to send no more beaver in yt way

412                                HISTORY OF                        [BOOK II.

which they had done, till they came to some issue or

other aboute these things.  But now came over let-

ters from Mr. Andrews & Mr. Beachamp full of com-

plaints, that they marveled yt nothing was sent over,

by which any of their moneys should be payed in;

for it did appear by ye accounte sente in Ano 1631.

that they were each of them out, aboute a leven

hundered pounds a peece, and all this while had not

received one penie towards ye same.  But now Mr.

Sherley sought to draw more money from them, and

was offended because they deneyed him; and blamed

them hear very much that all was sent to Mr. Sher-

ley, & nothing to them.  They marvelled much at this,

for they conceived that much of their moneis had been

paid in, & yt yearly each of them had received a pro-

portionable quantity out of ye larg returnes sent home.

For they had sente home since yt accounte was re-

ceived in Ano 1631. (in which all & more then all

their debts, wth yt years supply, was charged upon

them) these sumes following.

Novbr 18. Ano 1631. By Mr. Peirce                 0400li. waight of beaver, & otters 20.

July 13. Ano 1632.    By Mr. Griffin                  1348li. beaver, & otters .     .       147.

 Ano 1633.     By Mr. Graves               3366li. bever, & otters   .     .       346.

 Ano 1634.     By Mr. Andrews            3738li. beaver, & otters  .     .      234.

 Ano  1635.     By Mr. Babb                 1150li. beaver, & otters  .     .      200.

June 24. Ano 1636.     By Mr. Willkinson         1809li. beaver, & otters   .     .     010.

  Ibidem.          By Mr. Langrume          0719li. beaver, & otters   .     .     199.

                                                                       ______                                          ___

12150li.*                                     1156.

* Not correctly cast; it should be 12530li.

1636.]                  PLYMOUTH  PLANTATION                 413

     All these; sumes were saily rceived & well sould,

as appears by leters.  The coat beaver usualy at 20s.

pr pound, and some at 24s.; the skin at 15. & some-

times 16.  I doe not remember any under 14.  It

may be ye last year might be something lower, so

also ther were some small furrs that are not recconed

in this accounte, & some black beaver at higer rates,

to make up ye defects.  [217] It was conceived that

ye former parcells of beaver came to litle less then

10000li. sterling, and ye otter skins would pay all ye

charge, & they wth other furrs make up besids if any

thing wanted of ye former sume.  When ye former

accounte was passed, all their debts (those of White-

Angelle & Frendship included) came but to 4770li.

And they could not estimate that all ye supplies since

sent them, & bills payed for them, could come to

above 2000li. so as they conceived their debts had

been payed, with advantage or intrest.  But it may

be objected, how comes it that they could not as well

exactly sett downe their receits, as their returnes, but

thus estimate it.  I answer, 2. things were ye cause

of it; the first & principall was, that ye new ac-

countante, which they in England would needs presse

upon them, did wholy faile them, & could never give

them any accounte; but trusting to his memorie, &

lose papers, let things rune into such confusion, that

neither he, nor any with him, could bring things to

rights.  But being often called upon to perfecte his

414                                HISTORY OF                        [BOOK II.

accounts, he desired to have such a time, and such

a time of leasure, and he would doe it.  In ye intrime

he fell into a great sicknes, and in conclusion it fell

out he could make no accounte at all.  His books

were after a litle good begining left altogeather un-

perfect; and his papers, some were lost, & others so

confused, as he knew not what to make of them him

selfe, when they came to be searched & examined. 

This was not unknowne to Mr. Sherley; and they

came to smarte for it to purposs, (though it was not

their faulte,) both thus in England, and also here;

for they conceived they lost some hundreds of pounds

for goods trusted out in ye place, which were lost for

want of clear accounts to call them in.  Another rea-

son of this mischeefe was, that after Mr. Winslow

was sente into England to demand accounts, and to

excepte against ye Whit-Angell, they never had any

price sent with their goods, nor any certaine invoyce

of them; but all things stood in confusion, and they

were faine to guesse at ye prises of them.

     They write back to Mr. Andrews & Mr. Beachamp,

and tould them they marveled they should write they

had sent nothing home since ye last accounts; for

they had sente a great deale; and it might rather be

marveled how they could be able to send so much,

besids defraying all charg at home, and what they

had lost by the French, and so much cast away at

sea, when Mr. Peirce lost his ship on ye coast of Vir-

1636.]                  PLYMOUTH  PLANTATION.                415

ginia.  What they had sente was to them all, and to

them selves as well as Mr. Sherley, and if they did

not looke after it, it was their owne faIts; they must

referr them to Mr. Sherley, who had received [218]

it, to demand it of him.  They allso write to Mr.

Sherley to ye same purposs, and what the others com-

plaints were.

    This year 2. shallops going to Coonigtecutt with

goods from ye Massachusetts of such as removed

theither to plante, were in an easterly storme cast

away in coming into this harbore in ye night; the

boats men were lost, and ye goods were driven all

alonge ye shore, and strowed up & downe at high-

water marke.  But ye Govr caused them to be gath-

ered up, and drawn togeather, and appointed some

to take an inventory of them, and others to wash

& drie such things as had neede therof; by which

means most of ye goods were saved, and restored to

ye owners.  Afterwards anotheir boate of theirs (go-

ing thither likwise) was cast away near unto Manoan-

scusett, and such goods as came a shore were preserved

for them.  Such crosses they mette with in their be-

ginings; which some imputed as a correction from

God for their intrution (to ye wrong of others) into

yt place.  But I dare not be bould with Gods judg-

ments in this kind.

     In ye year 1634, the Pequents (a stoute and war-

like people), who had made warrs with sundry of

416                                HISTORY OF                        [BOOK II.

their neigbours, and puft up with many victories,

grue now at varience with ye Narigansets, a great

people bordering upon them.  These Narigansets held

correspondance and termes of freindship with ye Eng-

lish of ye Massachusetts.  Now ye Pequents, being con-

scious of ye guilte of Captain-Stones death, whom they

knew to be an-English man, as also those yt were

with him, and being fallen out with ye Dutch, least

they should have over many enemies at once, sought

to make freindship with ye English of ye Massachu-

setts; and for yt end sent both messengers & gifts

unto them, as appears by some letters sent from ye

Govr hither.

     Dear & worthy Sr: &c.  To let you know somwhat of

our affairs, you may understand that ye Pequents have sent

some of theirs to us, to desire our freindship, and offered

much wampam & beaver, &c.  The first messengers were

dismissed without answer; with ye next we had diverce dayes

conferance, and taking ye advice of some of our ministers,

and seeking the Lord in it, we concluded a peace & freind-

ship with them, upon these conditions: that they should de-

liver up to us those men who were guilty of Stones death,

&c.  And if we desired to plant in Conightecute, they should

give up their right to us, and so we would send to trade

with them as our freinds (which was ye cheefe thing we

aimed at, being now in warr with ye Dutch and ye rest of

their neigbours).  To this they readily agreed; and that

we should meadiate a peace betweene them and the Narigan-

setts; for which end they were contente we should give the

Narigansets parte of yt presente, they would bestow on us

1636.]                  PLYMOUTH  PLANTATION.                417

(for they stood [219]* so much on their honour, as they

would not be seen to give any thing of them selves).  As

for Captein Stone, they tould us ther were but 2. left of

those who had any hand in his death; and that they killed

him in a just quarell, for (say they) he surprised 2. of our

men, and bound them, to make them by force to shew him

ye way up ye river; ! and he with 2. other coming on shore,

9.  Indeans watched him, and when they were a sleepe in ye

night, they kiled them, to deliver their owne men; and some

of them going afterwards to ye pinass, it was suddainly blowne

up.  Weare now preparing to send a pinass unto them, &c.

     In an other of his, dated ye 12. of ye first month,

he hath this.

    Our pinass is latly returned from ye Pequents; they put

of but litle comoditie, and found them a very false people,

so as they mean to have no more to doe with them.  I have

diverce other things to write unto you, &:c.

Yours ever assured,


Boston, 12. of ye 1. month, 1634.

    After these things, and, as I take, this year, John

Oldom, (of whom much is spoken before,) being now

an inhabitant of ye Massachusetts, went wth a small

vessell, & slenderly mand, a trading into these south

parts, and upon a quarell betweene him & ye Indeans

was cutt of by them (as hath been before noted) at

an iland called by ye Indeans Munisses, but since by

* 119 in MS.

! Ther is litle trust to be giyen to their relations in these things.

418                                HISTORY OF                        [BOOK II.

ye English Block Iland.  This, with ye former about

the death of Stone, and the baffoyling of ye Pequents

with ye English of ye Massachusetts, moved them to

set out some to take revenge, and require satisfaction

for these wrongs; but it was done so superfitially, and

without their acquainting of those of Conightecute &

other neighbours with ye same, as they did litle good.

But their neigbours had more hurt done, for some

of ye murderers of Old orne fled to ye.  Pequents, and

though the English went to ye Pequents, and had

some parley with them, yet they did but delude

them, & ye English returned without doing any thing

to purpose, being frustrate of their oppertunitie by ye

others deceite.  After ye English were returned, the

Pequents tooke their time and oppertunitie to cut of

some of ye English as they passed in boats, and went

on fouling, and assaulted them the next spring at

their habytations, as will appear in its place.  I doe

but touch these things, because I make no question

they will be more fully & distinctly handled by them

selves, who had more exacte knowledg of them, and

whom they did more properly concerne.

      This year Mr. Smith layed downe his place of min-

istrie, partly by his owne willingnes, as thinking it

too heavie a burthen, and partly at the desire, and

by ye perswasion, of others; and the church sought

out for [220] * some other, having often been disap-

* 120 in MS.

1637.]                  PLYMOUTH  PLANTATION                 419

pointed in their hops and desires heretofore.  And it

pleased the Lord to send them an able and a godly

man,* and of a meeke and humble spirite, sound in

ye truht, and every way unreproveable in his life &

conversation; whom, after some time of triall, they

chose for their teacher, the fruits of whose labours

they injoyed many years with much comforte, in

peace, & good agreemente.

Anno Dom: 1637.

    IN ye fore parte of this year, the Pequents fell

openly upon ye English at Conightecute, in ye lower

parts of ye river, and slew sundry of them, (as they

were at work in ye feilds,) both men & women, to

ye great terrour of ye rest; and wente away in great

prid & triumph, with many high threats.  They allso

assalted a fort at ye rivers mouth, though strong and

well defended; and though they did not their pre-

vaile, yet it struk them with much fear & astonish-

mente to see their bould attempts in the face of

danger; which made them in all places to stand

upon their gard, and to prepare for resistance, and

ernestly to solissite their freinds and confederats in ye

Bay of Massachusets to send them speedy aide, for

they looked for more forcible assaults.  Mr. Vane,

being then Govr, write from their Generall Courte

to them hear, to joyne with them in this warr; to

* Mr. John Reinor.

420                                HISTORY OF                        [BOOK II.

which they were cordially willing, but tooke oppor-

tunitie to write to them aboute some former things,

as well as presente, considerable hereaboute.  The

which will best appear in ye Govr answer which he

returned to ye same, which I shall here inserte.

      Sr:  The Lord having so disposed, as that your letters to

our late Govr is fallen to my lott to make answer unto,

I could have wished I might have been at more freedome

of time & thoughts also, that I might have done it more to

your & my owne satisfaction.  But what shall be wanting

now may be supplyed hereafter.  For ye matters which from

your selfe & counsell were propounded & objected to us, we

thought not fitte to make them so publicke as ye cognizance

of our Generall Courte.  But as they have been considered

by those of our counsell, this answer we thinke fitt to re-

turne unto you.  (1.)  Wereas you signifie your willingnes

to joyne with us in this warr against ye Pequents, though

you cannot ingage your selves without ye consente of your

Generall Courte, we acknowledg your good affection towards

us, (which we never had cause to doubt of,) and are will-

ing to attend your full resolution, when it may most season-

ably be ripened.   (2ly.) Wheras you make this warr to be

our peopls, and not [221] to conceirne your selves, otherwise

then by consequence, we do in parte consente to you therin;

yet we suppose, that, in case of perill, you will not stand

upon such terms, as we hope we should not doe towards

you; and withall we conceive that you looke at ye Pequents,

and all other Indeans, as a comone enimie, who, though he

may take occasion of ye begining of his rage, from some

one parte of ye English, yet if he prevaile, will surly pursue

his advantage, to ye rooting out of ye whole nation.  Ther-

fore when we desired your help, we did it not without

1637.]                  PLYMOUTH  PLANTATION.                421

respecte to your owne saftie, as ours.  (3ly.)  Wheras you

desire we should be ingaged to aide you, upon all like occa-

sions; we are perswaded you doe not doubte of it; yet as

we now deale with you as a free people, and at libertie, so

as we cannot draw you into this warr with us, otherwise

then as reason may guid & provock you; so we desire

we may be at ye like freedome, when any occasion may

call for help from us.  And wheras it is objected to

us, that we refused to aide you against ye French; we con-

ceive ye case was not alicke; yet we cannot wholy excuse

our failing in that matter.  (4ly.)  Weras you objecte that

we began ye warr without your privitie, & managed it con-

trary to your advise; the truth is, that our first intentions

being only against Block Iland, and ye interprice seeming

of small difficultie, we did not so much as consider of taking

advice, or looking out for aide abroad.  And when we had

resolved upon ye Pequents, we sent presently, or not long

after, to you aboute it; but ye answer received, it was not

seasonable for us to chaing our counsells, excepte we had

seen and waighed your grounds, which might have out wayed

our owne.

    (5ly.)  For our peoples trading at Kenebeck, we assure

you (to our knowledge) it hath not been by any allowance

from us; and what we have provided in this and like cases,

at our last Courte, Mr. E. W. can certifie you.

    And (6ly); wheras you objecte to us yt we should hold,

trade & correspondancie with ye French, your enemise; we

answer, you are misinformed, for, besids some letters which

hath passed betweene our late Govr and them, to which we

were privie, we have neither sente nor incouraged ours to

trade with them; only one vessell or tow, for ye better con-

veace of our letters, had licens from our Govr to sayle


   * But by this means they did furnish them, & have still continued to doe.

422                                HISTORY OF                        [BOOK II.

      Diverce other things have been privatly objected to us, by

our worthy freind, whertunto he received some answer; but

most of "them concerning ye apprehention of perticuler dis-

curteseis, or injueries from some perticuler persons amongst

us.  It concernes us not to give any other answer to them

then this; that, if ye offenders shall be brought forth in a

right way, we shall be ready to doe justice as ye case shall

require.  In the meane time, we desire you to rest assured,

that such things are without our privity, and not a litle

greeveous to us.

     Now for ye joyning with ns in this warr, which indeed

concerns us no other wise then it may your selves, viz.:

the releeving of our freinds & Christian [222] breethren,

who are now first in ye danger; though you may thinke us

able to make it good without you, (as, if ye Lord please

to be with us, we may,) yet 3. things we offer to your

consideration, which (we conceive) may have some waight

with you.  (First) yt if we should sinck under this burden,

your opportunitie of seasonable help would be lost in 3.

respects.  1. You cannot recover us, or secure your selves

ther, with 3. times ye charge & hazard which now ye may.

2ly.  The sorrowes which we should lye under (if through

your neglect) would much abate of ye acceptablenes of your

help afterwards.  3ly. Those of yours, who are now full of

courage and forwardnes, would be much damped, and so

less able to undergoe so great a burden.  The (2.) thing is

this, that it concernes us much to hasten this warr to an

end before ye end of this somer, otherwise ye newes of it

will discourage both your & our freinds from coming to us

next year; with what further hazard & losse it may expose

us unto, your selves may judge.

     The (3.) thing is this, that if ye Lord shall please to

blesse our endeaours, so as we end ye warr, or put it in

a hopefull way without you, it may breed such ill thoughts

in our people towards yours, as will be hard to entertaine

1637.]           PLYMOUTH  PLANTATION.                 423

such opinione of your good will towards as, as were fitt to

be nurished among such neigbours & brethren as we are.

And what ill consequences may follow, on both sids, wise

men may fear, & would rather prevente then hope to re-

dress.  So with my harty salutations to you selfe, and all

your counsell, and other our good freinds with you, I rest

Yours most assured in ye Lord,


Boston, ye 20. of ye S. month, 1637.

      In ye mean time, the Pequents, espetially in ye win-

ter before, sought to make peace with ye Narigansets,

and used very pernicious arguments to move them

therunto : as that ye English were stranegers and be-

gane to overspred their countries and would deprive

them therof in time, if they were suffered to grow

& increse; and if ye Narigansets did assist ye English

to subdue them, they did but make way for their

owne overthrow, for if they were rooted out, the

English would soone take occasion to subjugate them;

and if they would harken to them, they should not

neede to fear ye strength of ye English; for they

would not come to open battle with them, but fire

their houses, kill their katle, and lye in ambush for

them as they went abroad upon their occasions; and

all this they might easily doe without any or litle

danger to them selves.  The which course being, held,

they well saw the English could not long subsiste, but

they would either be starved with hunger, or be forced

to forsake the countrie; with many ye like things; in-

424                                HISTORY OF                        [BOOK II.

so much that ye Narigansets were once wavering, and

were halfe minded to have made peace with them, and

joyed against ye English.  But againe when they con-

sidered, how much, wrong they had received from the

Pequents, and what an oppertunitie they now had by

ye help of ye English to right them selves, revenge

was so sweete unto them, as it prevailed above all ye

rest; so as they resolved to joyne with ye English

against them, & did.  [223]  The Court here agreed

forwith to send 50. men at their owne charg; and

wth as much speed as posiblie they could, gott them

armed, and had made them ready under sufficiente

leaders, and provided a barke to carrie them provisions

& tend upon them for all occasions; but when they

were ready to march (with a supply from ye Bay)

they had word to stay, for ye enimy was as good as

vanquished, and their would be no neede.

     I shall not take upon me exactly to describe their

proceedings in these things, because I expecte it will

be fully done by them selves, who best know the car-

rage & circumstances of things; I shall therfore but

touch them in generall.  From Connightecute (who

were most sencible of ye hurt sustained, & ye pres-

ent danger), they sett out a partie of men, and an

other partie mett them from ye Bay, at ye Narigansets,

who were to joyne with them.  Ye Narigansets were

ernest to be gone before ye English were well rested

and refreshte, espetially some of them which came last.

1637.]           PLYMOUTH  PLANTATION.                 425

It should seeme their desire was to come upon ye

enemie sudenly, -& undiscovered.  Ther was a barke

of this place, newly put in ther, which was come from

Conightecutte, who did encourage them to lay hold of

ye Indeans forwardness and to shew as great forward-

nes as they, for it would incorage them, and expedi-

tion might prove to their great advantage.  So they

went on, and so ordered their march, as the Indeans

brought them to a forte of ye enimies (in which most

of their cheefe men were) before day.  They ap-

proached ye same with great silence, and surrounded

it both with English & Indeans, that they might not

breake out; and so assualted them with great courage,

shooting, amongst them, and entered ye forte with all

speed; and those yt first entered found sharp resist-

ance from the enimie, who both shott at & grapled

with them; others rane into their howses, & brought

out fire, and sett them on fire, which soone tooke in

their matts, &, standing close togeather, with ye wind,

all was quietly on a flame, and therby more were

burnte to death then was otherwise slain; it burnte

their bowstrings, and made them unservisable.  Those

yt scaped ye fire were slaine with ye sword; some

hewed to peeces, others rune throw with their rapiers,

so as they were quickly dispatchte, and very few es-

caped.  It was conceived they thus destroyed about

400. at this time.  It was a fearfull sight to see

them thus frying, in ye fyer, and ye streams of blood

426                                HISTORY OF                        [BOOK II.

quenching ye same, and horrible was ye stinck &

sente ther of; but ye victory seemed a sweete sacri-

fice, and they gave the prays therof to God, who had

wrought so wonderfuly for them, thus to inclose their

enimise in their hands, and give them so speedy a

victory over so proud & insulting an enimie.  The

Narigansett Indeans, all this while, stood round aboute,

but aloofe from all danger, and left ye whole [224 ]

execution to ye English, exept it were ye stoping of

any yt broke away, insulting over their enimies in this

their ruine & miserie, when they saw them dancing in

ye flames, calling them by a word in their owne lan-

guage, signifing, O brave Pequents!  which they used

familierly among them selves in their own prayes, in

songs of triumph after their victories.  After this ser-

vis was thus happily accomplished, they marcht to the

water side, wher they mett with some of their vesells,

by which they had refreishing with victualls & other

necessaries.  But in their march ye rest of ye Pe-

quents drew into a body, and acoasted them, thinking

to have some advantage against them by reason of

a neck of land; but when they saw the English pre-

pare for them, they kept a loofe, so as they neither

did hurt, nor could receive any.  After their refreish-

ing & repair to geather for further counsell & direc-

tions, they resolved to pursue their victory, and follow

ye warr against ye rest, but ye Narigansett Indeans

*Be in manuscript.

1637.]                PLYMOUTH  PLANTATION.               427

most of them forsooke them, and such of them as they

had with them for guids, or otherwise, they found

them very could and backward in ye bussines, ether

out of envie, or yt they saw ye English would make

more profite of ye victorie then they were willing

they should, or els deprive them of such advantage as

them selves desired by having, them become tributaries

unto them, or ye like.

     For ye rest of this bussines, I shall only relate ye

same as it is in a leter which came from Mr. Win-

throp to ye Govr hear, as followeth.

     Worthy Sr: I received your loving letter, and am much

provocked to express my affections towards you, but strait-

nes of time forbids me; for my desire is to acquaints you

with ye Lords greate mercies towards us, in our prevailing

against his & our enimies; that you may rejoyce and praise

his name with us.  About 80. of our men, haveing costed

along towards ye Dutch plantation, (some times by water,

but most by land,) mett hear & ther with some Pequents,

whom they slew or tooke prisoners.  2. sachems they tooke,

& beheaded; and not hearing of Sassacous, (the cheefe

sachem,) they gave a prisoner his life, to goe and find

him out.  He wente and brought them word where he was

but Sassacouse, suspecting him to be a spie, after he was

gone, fled away with some 20. more to ye Mowakes, so our

men inissed of him.  Yet, deviding them selves, and rang-

ing up & downe, as ye providence of God guided them (for

ye Indeans were all gone, save 3. or 4. and they knew not

whither to guid them, or els would not), upon ye 13. of this

month, they light upon a great company of them, viz. 80.

strong men, & 200. women & children, in a small Indean

428                                HISTORY OF                        [BOOK II.

towne, fast by a hideous swamp, which they all slipped into

before our men could gett to them.  Our captains were not

then come togeither, but ther was Mr. Ludlow and Captaine

Masson, with some 10. [225] of their men, & Captaine

Patrick with some 20. or more of his, who, shooting at ye

Indeans, Captaine Trask with 50. more came soone in at

ye noyse.  Then they gave order to surround ye swampe, it

being aboute a mile aboute; but Levetenante Davenporte &

some 12. more, not hearing that comand, fell into ye swampe

among ye Indeans.  The swampe was so thicke with shrub-

woode, & so boggie with all, that some of them stuck

fast, and received many shott.  Levetenant Davenport was

dangerously wounded aboute his armehole, and another shott

in ye head, so as, fainting, they were in great danger to

have been taken by ye Indeans.  But Sargante Rigges, &

Jeffery, and 2. or 3. more, rescued them, and slew diverse

of ye Indeans with their swords.  After they were drawne

out, the Indeans desired parley, & were offered (by Thomas

Stanton, our interpretour) that, if they would come out,

and yeeld them selves, they should have their lives, all

that had not their hands in ye English blood.  Wherupon

ye sachem of ye place came forth, and an old man or 2. &

their wives and children, and after that some other women

& children, and so they spake 2. howers, till it was night.

Then Thomas Stanton was sente into them againe, to call

them forth; but they said they would selle their lives their,

and so shott at him so thicke as, if he had not cried out,

and been presently rescued, they had slaine him.  Then

our men cutt of a place of ye swampe with their swords, and

cooped the Indeans into so narrow a compass, as they could

easier kill them throw ye thickets.  So they continued all

ye night, standing aboute 12. foote one from an other, and

ye Indeans, coming close up to our men, shot their arrows

so thicke, as they pierced their hatte brimes, & their sleeves,

1637.]                  PLYMOUTH  PLANTATION.                429

& stockins, & other parts of their cloaths, yet so miracu-

lously did the Lord preserve them as not one of them was

wounded, save those 3. who rashly went into ye swampe.

When it was nere day, it grue very darke, so as those of

them which were left dropt away betweene our men, though

they stood but 12. or 14. foote assunder; but were presenly

discovered, & some killed in ye pursute.  Upon searching of

ye swampe, ye next morning, they found 9. slaine, & some

they pulled up, whom ye lndeans had buried in ye mire, so

as they doe thinke that, of all this company, not 20. did

escape, for they after found some who dyed in their flight

of their wounds received.  The prisoners were devided, some

to those of ye river, and the rest to us.  Of these we send

ye male children to Bermuda,* by Mr. William Peirce, & ye

women & maid children are disposed aboute in ye townes.

Ther have been now slaine & taken, in all, aboute 700.

The rest are dispersed, and the Indeans in all quarters so

terrified as all their friends are affraid to receive them.  2.

of ye sachems of Long Iland came to Mr. Stoughton and

tendered them selves to be tributaries under our protection.

And 2. of ye Neepnett sachems have been with me to seeke

our frendship.  Amonge the prisoners we have ye wife &

children of Mononotto, a womon of a very modest counte-

nance and behaviour.  It was by her mediation that the !

2. English [226] maids were spared from death, and were

kindly used by her; so that I have taken charge of her.

One of her first requests was, that the English would not

abuse her body, and that her children might not be taken

from her.  Those which were wounded were fetched of soone

by John Galopp, who came with his shalop in a happie

houre, to bring them victuals, and to carrie their wounded

men to ye pinass, wher our cheefe surgeon was, wth Mr.

* But yey were carried to ye West-Indeas.

! They in the manuscript.

430                                HISTORY OF                        [BOOK II.

Willson, being aboute 8. leagues off.  Our people are all in

health, (ye Lord be praised,) and allthough they had marched

in their armes all ye day, and had been in fight all ye night,

yet they professed they found them selves so fresh as they

could willingly have gone to such another bussines.

      This is ye substance of that which I received, though I am

forced to omite many considerable circomstances.  So, being

in much straitnes of time, (the ships being to departe within

this 4. days, and in them the Lord Lee and Mr. Vane,) I

hear breake of, and with harty saluts to, &c.,  I rest

Yours assured,

       Jo: WINTHROP.

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